Here are all of the times we've mentioned Tomb Raider
Jay delves into the dark and twisted world of the 1998 video game Shadow Man, exploring its creepy atmosphere, challenging controls, and deeply unsettling themes. With humour and insight, he takes listeners on a journey through Deadside, the afterlife realm that players must navigate, discussing the game’s eerie music, non-linear progression, and disturbing lore.
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Requiem for a Jill Sandwich with Nomad
We invited Nomad, from the Retro Wildlands podcast, to discuss the Resident Evil series and its many replay values. Nomad shares personal stories of his own experiences with the franchise, as well as proposing a unique solution to make the game even more thrilling. Join Nomad, Jay, and Squidge as they explore the thrilling world of Resident Evil and discover its hidden secrets.
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Farewell Mr Stolar
It is with a heavy heart that we heard about the passing of Bernie Stolar. He was a video game industry legend, will be missed, and his influence will be felt for decades.
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2 Player Cupboard of Shame: Ginger
Ginger of the Grand Rapidians Play Video Games podcast joined Squidge to discuss the Cupboard of Shame, the Bechdel Test, some passive-aggressive comments for GameStop, and strategy guides.
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Video Game History with Steven L Kent (Part Three)
Steven is someone who hasn’t just written about the history of video games, he has lived it; meeting some of the biggest names in the industry. Steven was gracious enough to share some of his time with us. This week Steven puts his foot in his mouth, and we talk about the PSP
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Tomb Raider Turns 25 - Raiding Tombs With the B
We celebrated the 25th anniversary of Tomb Raider with The B. We discussed the legacy of Lara Croft’s game series, her impact on popular culture, and our favourite titles across the many different canons of Tomb Raider.
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Resident Evil Apocalypse With Andrew Dickinson - Shakey Fist Logic (Part Two)
We’re back with AndrewD and "Resident Evil: Apocalypse.". Will we run out of things to say about this film by the end of part two? Who can say. And what do we think of the film? You’ll have to listen in to find out.
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Double Dragon - Witty Remark Here
We decided to sit down and talk about the "classic" 1994 Double Dragon movie. What is going on with Abobo’s head, what is Marian’s role in the story, and why is the big bad guy a cheap knock-off of Vanilla Ice?
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Mini Consoles: PlayStation Classic Dream Line Up
Episode 70 of the podcast has Squidge and Jay discuss the PlayStation Classic, and decide on their dream line up for the little console that couldn’t - seriously, the hardware design was obviously phoned in.
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EGX 2019 Day Three
EGX 2019 day three is over and done with, and here are our thoughts. Including a little rant about queuing (for the Final Fantasy 7 remake), meeting up with awesome friends, making even more awesome friends, getting perforated, and talking with an absolute legend in the video game industry.
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Egx 2019 Day One
EGX 2019 day one is over and done with, so we thought we’d collect our thoughts on it and put out an episode. We discuss the games we’ve played, the merch we’ve bought, and we even have and interview with Craig Snape about his upcoming game: Kung Fu Jesus.
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Hybrid Heaven - Metal Gear Solid for the N64
In which Jay tells us about his all time favourite N64 game: Hybrid Heaven. What makes this game so special to him? You’ll have to click through and find out.
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