Here are all of the times we've mentioned Pokémon Sword
Mad Max in Bright Colours with The B
Pokémon turned 25, and it made both Jay and Squidge feel really old. And because misery loves company, we asked The B to talk about it on the show. We also reached out to the Pokémon community for comments and questions. Gotta Catch ‘em All, indeed.
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Waffle Christmas 2019 - Part 2
Christmas has been and gone - although we recorded this weeks in advance. You wanted more Waffling Taylors? Well, here it is! We talk about the impending Resident Evil 3 remake, wombats (and what’s right with them), and our run down of the best and worst titles of the year.
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Waffle Christmas 2019 - Part 1
The end is nigh! … for 2019, anyway. Also, it’s that time of year again: time to figure out just where Santa is. In this episode, we chat with G about the games he has been playing since we last heard from him, a little on MST3K, and a nifty little gadget that both Squidge and I bought.
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