Here are all of the times we've mentioned Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid 2 Part 2 - A What Vampire!?
Underpants, posters in lockers, bands, a surprise Mei Ling, and an excessive number of Easter Eggs. That can mean only one thing: Alyxa is back (with a brand new invention?) to continue her chat about Metal Gear Solid 2.
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Requiem for a Jill Sandwich with Nomad
We invited Nomad, from the Retro Wildlands podcast, to discuss the Resident Evil series and its many replay values. Nomad shares personal stories of his own experiences with the franchise, as well as proposing a unique solution to make the game even more thrilling. Join Nomad, Jay, and Squidge as they explore the thrilling world of Resident Evil and discover its hidden secrets.
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