Here are all of the times we've mentioned Mario Party
Zunderscore - Red Fedoras And Bathrobes: The Flip top Expansion To Streaming
Prolific streamer Zunderscore joined the Jay and Squidge to talk about everything from red fedoras to Vincent Adultman, Muppetman, and three Squidges in a trenchcoat; with a healthy dose of video games, Thunder Plains, controller opinions, thoughts on being a content creator, and silliness.
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Requiem for a Jill Sandwich with Nomad
We invited Nomad, from the Retro Wildlands podcast, to discuss the Resident Evil series and its many replay values. Nomad shares personal stories of his own experiences with the franchise, as well as proposing a unique solution to make the game even more thrilling. Join Nomad, Jay, and Squidge as they explore the thrilling world of Resident Evil and discover its hidden secrets.
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Ten Minutes of TV Time with Morgan Ritson
Voice actor extraordinaire, all round good egg, and fellow Lock-On backer Morgan joined us to talk doing homework to get TV time, the world and characters of Sekiro, and the trouble with homework and American TV.
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The Raz-Matazz Cast (with B – Part Three)
Part three of B’s 2018 debut – he was on our final episodes of 2017, but hasn’t been on the show since. B takes us through his unpopular opinion in gaming, which sparks a long discussion on folks such as Hideo Kojima, Cliffy B and Peter Molyneux
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