Here are all of the times we've mentioned Kingdom Hearts
2 Player Cupboard of Shame: Sean O'Dell
Sean "Rackham" O’Dell of the Dungeons and Pop podcast swung by Waffling Taylors HQ to talk about the title he’d love to throw into the Cupboard of Shame. Sean and Squidge talk about tanking and cheesing, shooting everything apart from the monsters in Doom 3, and the roguelikes.
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Borderlands With CJ
Y’aar. We be joined by CJ, the host of the Casually Meta podcast. We hoisted the main sail, scrubbed the poop-deck, and avoided walking the plank in this episode. Actually, we did none of that; but we did talk about what we’ve been playing recently. And Borderlands; lots and lots of Borderlands.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Reflections - Part 3
The final part of Squidge and Lulu talking about their reflections on having completed the Final Fantasy VII remake. What do they talk about? I don’t know, I wasn’t involved in this episode… until the very end of it, that is
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