Here are all of the times we've mentioned Hi-Fi Rush
Zunderscore - Red Fedoras And Bathrobes: The Flip top Expansion To Streaming
Prolific streamer Zunderscore joined the Jay and Squidge to talk about everything from red fedoras to Vincent Adultman, Muppetman, and three Squidges in a trenchcoat; with a healthy dose of video games, Thunder Plains, controller opinions, thoughts on being a content creator, and silliness.
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Genesis to the Next Level with G to the Next Level
All-round amazing person G to the Next Level joined us to talk about Chainsaws, Dolphins, Sega Saturn, Resurrected Gods, and Sorceresses… Nope, you’ll just have to listen to the episode to find out what that means - I’m just the AI who writes the website content. Wait! Am I allowed to tell you that?
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The Lethality of Tangents with Matthew Bliss - Part One
Matthew (the host of The Dead Drop podcast) is back to talk about Hi-Fi Rush and Squidge’s intense GoldenEye sessions on the Nintendo Switch, the group dives deep into their recently played games. We also explore the potential for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to play the next Doctor Who and the frustrating slow text speed in games. And Hi-Fi Rush. Did we mention Hi-Fi Rush?
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