Here are all of the times we've mentioned Final Fantasy III
2 Player Cupboard of Shame: Ginger
Ginger of the Grand Rapidians Play Video Games podcast joined Squidge to discuss the Cupboard of Shame, the Bechdel Test, some passive-aggressive comments for GameStop, and strategy guides.
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Ten Minutes of TV Time with Morgan Ritson
Voice actor extraordinaire, all round good egg, and fellow Lock-On backer Morgan joined us to talk doing homework to get TV time, the world and characters of Sekiro, and the trouble with homework and American TV.
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Lock on Volume 1 a Discussion on Passion
We interrupt your regularly scheduled episode programming to bring you a bonus interview with the folks behind lock-on Volume 1: Jon Doyle and Jason Maddison. They are putting together a series of journals on gaming, starting with the Sony Playstation. We caught up with them to discuss what lead to the decision to create the journal, some of the contributors, and how you can help with their Kickstarter.
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