Here are all of the times we've mentioned Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
Earthrend With Zachary Claxton
Zachary Claxton joined us to talk about Earthrend: his Zelda-like title with Shadow of the Colossus-like scale. We talked about the wonderful hand drawn aesthetic, how the game came to be, and where you can get the demo. We also talked about our recent games, some of which might surprise you.
read moreHidden Gems with G - Part One
With seemingly hundreds of games released every week, we wanted to talk about some of the hidden gems in the video game canon. And who better to discuss them with than G (aka #dontCallMeAudrey)?
read moreWaffle Christmas 2019 - Part 2
Christmas has been and gone - although we recorded this weeks in advance. You wanted more Waffling Taylors? Well, here it is! We talk about the impending Resident Evil 3 remake, wombats (and what’s right with them), and our run down of the best and worst titles of the year.
read moreThe Slim Jim Snap
Part two of a multi part, end of year spectacular is a rip roaring adventure with G and The B back in the Technodrome. Everything gets a bit weird, as I completely miss the point of the Harley Quinn character.
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