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Show Notes
Hi there,
I’m Delilah and I’d like to welcome you to a very special episode of The Waffling Taylors.
In case you didn’t know, I’m a next-generation AI system, written by Jay, to help him and Squidge run the Waffling Taylors podcast. My speech synthesis still isn’t 100% yet, but jay is working on things behind the scenes.
A little more information about me: did you know that my name is an acronym? It stands for “Dynamic Eccentric Logic Interface, Laughing Algorithm for Humour.” Anyway, I’ve been waffling on for too long.
A Short Break
The reason that I’m releasing this episode is because Jay asked me to let you all know that we’re taking a very short break throughout March. But don’t worry, there’s no need to panic as we’ll be releasing brand new episodes from April 5th onwards.
So why are we taking a short break?
There are a few reasons for the break, but the main one is that Jay will be working in the United States for part of March, and even with RUSSELL and I, Squidge might not be able to run the podcast on his own.
We also want to take a few weeks to build up a small backlog of episodes, because any podcaster will tell you that you really need a backlog. If you don’t have one, then you’ll be left scrambling when life, uh, finds a way. Did you like my Dr. Ian Malcolm impression there?
A Few Recommended Shows
In the meantime, we’d like to recommend some shows that you can listen to in our stead. Each one of these shows is fantastic and is recommended by both Jay and Squidge.
Retro Wildlands
First of all, there’s The Retro Wildlands. You’ll know the host, Nomad, from his many appearances on our show. Those episodes are:
- 158: Requiem for a Jill Sandwich with Nomad
- 170: Resident Evil 4 with Nomad
- and 174: Resident Evil 3 Anniversary - Traffic Jam Burrito
Hey there, my friend. Welcome to The Retro Wildlands. This is my gaming podcast where I like to share my thoughts and experiences with a video game that I have discovered or rediscovered while roaming the gaming Wildlands.
My name is Nomad, and in each episode of the show, I invite you all to sit down by the campfire and take a load off. Using music and sound effects from each game, I’m going to fill your head and your heart with sweet, sweet nostalgia as I take you through the opening parts of your favourite video games and share what I think about it all.
This show is great if you’re looking to go down memory lane, but it’s also done in such a way that if you’ve never played the game I’m talking about before, you’ll have a good idea what you’re getting into.
So far we’ve covered games like Contra: "You start firing right in front of you. It just takes one shot to waste the idiot coming towards you. As you’re running, you hold the directional pad down and to the right so. You can fire at an angle."
Batman on the NES: "The game officially begins and we’re taken to the first stage. Batman lands on the ground, performing your standard issue superhero landing, and control is given to the player. Alright, it’s time to fight some crime"
And Metal Gear solid: "Got it. Okay, I’m ready to go. After the codex screen closes out, snake. Gets to his feet and control is. Given to the player. Alright, Wildlanders, it is mission time."
So join up with our expedition. I’m excited to have you along. Anytime you want to venture into the gaming Wildlands, you are always welcome by the campfire, and I’m hoping I see you there.
Until then, my friend, my name is Nomad, and you can find me roaming the Retro Wildlands
Capes on the Couch
Then there’s Capes on the Couch. Anthony, who is one of the hosts of this show has been on the show a few times, too. His episodes were:
- 149: Couching the Capes with Anthony
- 160: Mortal Kombat - Leg-Fu for the Win
- and 171: Mega Man 2 with Anthony
Anthony: Hello, I’m Anthony
Dr. Issues: And I’m Dr. Issues
Anthony: And we’re the hosts of Capes on the Couch podcast where comics get counselling.
Dr. Issues: Superheroes don’t always get to go home happy. That’s where we come in.
Anthony: We offer psychiatric and mental health evaluation of comic book characters.
Dr. Issues: We also chat with some of your favourite creators:
Various: Al Ewing, Erica Schultz, Gilson, Philip Kenley Johnson, Chris Claremont
Dr. Issues: about their work on comics.
Anthony: So check out all our episodes at Capes on the Couch and follow us. Capes on the couch on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Both: #BecauseComics
Pixel Project Radio
Pixel Project Radio is another fantastic show that we think you should check out.
At the time of Squidge and I collaborating on this episode, they have a great multi-part series about Final Fantasy IX. There are four episodes out at the moment and each is over 2 hours long. It’s great stuff.
We’ll Be Back
Anyway, we’ll be back in April, assuming Jay can get over the jet lag quickly. I’ll hand over to Jay for the outro now, but remember to check the show notes for links to all of the podcasts I’ve talked about. Anyway, this is Delilah signing off.
If you’ve been sent this episode by a friend, or indeed a mortal enemy, or happened on it accidentally. I’d like to ask you to check out the website for the show at
We have another 180 episodes or seven years of our podcast for you to check out. And we have a section called Those Games We Played, which lists every game we’ve ever mentioned, how many times we’ve mentioned it, and what we’ve said about them.
We have socials. They’ll be in the links too. We’ve got Twitter or X, whichever one you want to call it. We’ve got discord—you will also find the details for that in the description.
We also stream on Twitch from time to time, and you can find our previous streams and silly videos on our YouTube channel.
So do come check us out.
External Links of Interest
- Join our Discord server and be part of future episodes
- Our Facebook page
- Us on Twitter
- Support us on Ko-Fi
- Retro Wildlands podcast
- Nomad’s recent appearances:
- Capes on the Couch
- Anthony’s recent appearances:
- Pixel Project Radio
Links to the music used in the podcast can be found below. Definitely check them out, because they're amazing tracks by awesome musicians.
- Intro music is Massive Scratch - Eight Bit/Chiptune
- Spoiler Break music is Spectrum (Subdiffusion Mix) by Foniqz (BandCamp)
- Pallet Cleanser music is Breath Deep Breath Clear (Wu Chi) by Siobhan Dakay
- When I Was A Boy – Tokyo Music Walker
- Laundry – Tokyo Music Walker
- Contra Music (NES) - Jungle Theme [Stage 1]
- Batman (NES) Music - Stage 1
- Metal Gear Solid - Cavern
- Outro Music is Massive Scratch - Eight Bit/Chiptune